Te Arai Beach House

Te Arai Beach House

Oakwood - Te Arai Beach House
Oakwood - Te Arai Beach House
Oakwood - Te Arai Beach House
Oakwood - Te Arai Beach House

Set between the forest and the ocean, Te Arai Beach House manifests as a contemporary cabin in the woods. But what appears to be a defined, unambiguous form is revealed to be more complex.

Oakwood - Te Arai Beach House
Oakwood - Te Arai Beach House
Oakwood - Te Arai Beach House

Forgoing grand gestures, the focus of the building is on the creation of intimate moments, inspired by the sense of enclosure provided by the pines that gather on the edge of the dunes. “We had a discussion early on with the client around what it would mean to create something fora site that is coastal but also forested,” says Tim Hay, co-founder of Fearon Hay. “We developed a design direction around a ‘cabin in the woods’ concept.” Approaching the house through the trees, the timber structure that nestles into the gently undulating sand dunes could momentarily be mistaken for a barn, until the precision of the detailing marks the building as a distinctly more contemporary, considered entity.

Oakwood - Te Arai Beach House
Forgoing grand gestures, the focus of the building is on the creation of intimate moments, inspired by the sense of enclosure provided by the pines that gather on the edge of the dunes.

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Explore Other Projects

The Meadow House

The Meadow House

Kōzōwood engineered this ambitious project exclusively with mixed mass timber construction techniques.

The Meadow House

The Meadow House

Kōzōwood engineered this ambitious project exclusively with mixed mass timber construction techniques.

Oakwood - Scorpia


Kōzōwood engineered this ambitious project exclusively with mixed mass timber construction techniques.

Oakwood - Scorpia


Kōzōwood engineered this ambitious project exclusively with mixed mass timber construction techniques.

Oawood - One Great Jones Alley

One Great Jones Alley

Kōzōwood engineered this ambitious project exclusively with mixed mass timber construction techniques.

Oawood - One Great Jones Alley

One Great Jones Alley

Kōzōwood engineered this ambitious project exclusively with mixed mass timber construction techniques.

Oakwood - Pippins by Webster

Pippins by Webster

Kōzōwood engineered this ambitious project exclusively with mixed mass timber construction techniques.

Oakwood - Pippins by Webster

Pippins by Webster

Kōzōwood engineered this ambitious project exclusively with mixed mass timber construction techniques.

Oakwood - Dovecote


Kōzōwood engineered this ambitious project exclusively with mixed mass timber construction techniques.

Oakwood - Dovecote


Kōzōwood engineered this ambitious project exclusively with mixed mass timber construction techniques.

Crafting Spaces for

Crafting Spaces for

Crafting Spaces for









  • One Great Jones Alley
  • Scorpia
  • The Meadow House
  • Dovecote